Diferencia entre revisiones de «Patrimoñu dela Umanidá»

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Sa (carava | Contribucionis)
Línia 36:
=== Convención i hondu ===
LosEnos Estaus UñiusUnius esminciunescomençó la idea ede mestural la conservancia natural i la curturalcoltural. Una conferencia e ladela Casa Branca en 1965 called for a ''World Heritage Trust'' to preserve "the world's superb natural and scenic areas and historic sites for the present and the future of the entire world citizenry." The [[International Union for Conservation of Nature]] developed similar proposals in [[1968]], and they were presented in [[1972]] to the [[United Nations]] conference on Human Environment in [[Stockholm, Sweden]].
Un testu únicu hue finalmenti alcuerdau pol tolas partis afetás, i la ''Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage'' (Convención Concernienti a la Proteción el Legau Curtural i Natural el Mundu) hue adotá pola Conferencia Heneral la UNESCO de 16 de noviembri e 1972.