Caraba:Portá antigua

(Rederigíu dendi Caraba:Página prencipal)
Último comentario: hace 2 meses por UOzurumba (WMF) en el tema Deployment of Dark mode in Extremaduran Wikipedia

Página prencipal

Bienviniu a la caraba la Página Prencipal la Güiquipeya

Aquí pueis chalral al tentu la página prencipal con otrus usuárius.

Si lo que quieris es izil algu sobri la Güiquipeya (en general), pueis hazelu en "El Seranu" (u en anguna otra caraba, sigún seya el tema).

Pa prencipial un nuevu tema nesta caraba, achucha aquina.

Cudiau: no t'orviis de filmal!

Lo úrtimu ena Güiquipeya


I si arrecuperamus l'apartáu "lo úrtimu ena Güiquipeya"? Asina tolos usuárius podremus leyel los urtimus endirguis. Salús!--El tiu Cancho 16:46, 2 Húniu 2008 (UTC)

Me paci bien, lo quité hazi angún tiempu pol farta d'espáciu nel cuairu, peru nu veria mal arrecuperalu. Salús! Better 08:50, 3 Húniu 2008 (UTC)
Hechu, peru en prencípiu, cuandu alguien acabihi un nuevu artículu, eberá escrebil él mesmu el atihu en Template:Enas notícias, sinu, es posibri que nu se ponga. Salús! Better 09:37, 10 Húniu 2008 (UTC)

Contaol de asiahamientu


Unus diinas há, hizi una prantilla pala mi páhina d'usuáriu que era un contaol d'artículus que mos quean p'arcançal a la Güiqui qu'está enmeyataenti poncima muhotrus. Velaquila:

201ª La Güiquipeya está asiahá nel puestu 201, -3549 artículus menus que la karakalpaka.

Si vos peta, puemus entrala ena páhina prencipal pa dalmus ánimus p'acontinal envelneciendu. Lo que vos paeci? --Pateraggelos 08:49, 26 Húniu 2008 (UTC)

Pol mi prefeutu. Inque quizias seya recomendabri hazel esti votaeru u consurta nel apartáu e votacionis. Un salú! --El tiu Cancho 01:20, 27 Húniu 2008 (UTC)
Nu estoi yo mu a favol de asiahal un cuairu con essi holmatu ena páhina prencipal... quiciás chambandu el cuairu en sí... de cualisquiel holma, es mestel hazel una votación en Güiquipeya:Votacionis. Salús! Better 08:01, 27 Húniu 2008 (UTC)

Chambu ena páhina prencipal


Qué vus paci? De cualisquiel chascu, creu que sedria mestel un chambu radical, que podria hazelsi el 6 de Marçu (pa festehal el aprebau final de la Güiquipeya), pol mé dun concursu nel que cualisquiá podria presental un proyeutu, i alogu una votación (se daria esta próssima semana pa presental proyeutus, i la siguienti pa votacionis). Vus peta la idea? Salús! Better 10:51, 19 Hebreru 2009 (UTC)

Me paici güena idea lo de separal los úrtimus endirguis de las notícias. Essu del chambu raical me peta albondu, peru nu sé essatamenti si la henti va a participal... M'espricu: aquina cuasi dengunu sabemus tantu de cóigu güiqui cumu pa deseñal la páhina prencipal... son las prantillas i grácias!! Nessi sentiu, ya t'igu, es compricau (aholá huéramus escapazis!). Nu estanti, se puein aportal ideas entri tós, i tamién entri tós hazel los deseñus i eital el huturu coigu huenti i tal i mas. Sé que to essu es defici cordinalu, peru mas compricau me paeci lo del conculsu. Polo plontu yo prepongu que la Wikipèdia en portugês oliventino (la cuala á espenau) seya relegá a un segundu lugal, abahandu el su cuairu hata ondi está agora el de "úrtimus endirguis". Las úrtimas notícias, creu, quearian mihol ondi está agora el cuarinu el afotu destacau, i éste ondi están agora las notícias. Qué me izís? De toas holmas nu es emprescindibri, assinque tapocu es custión de qu'el tiu Chelu se cargui con tó el labutu. - Tiu Cancho |   | (palramus?) 14:01, 19 Hebreru 2009 (UTC)
Nu estaria malehu un lavainu cara a la Güiquipeya, anque dessistin custionis mas sérias i que eberian cambialsi enantis que ná cumu lo son el nombri las categorias prencipalis cumu lo de Afotugrafia pol Fotografia, Astrunomia pol Astronomia, Biugrafia pol Biografias, Eportis pol Deportis i paí mas. Nu sé essatamenti que tenís pensau mual ena portá, de poneli mas coloris u acolocal los quarinus con otru pelitascu, poneli un espetu mas llamativu, anque sin perdel delegáncia, nu queremus tapocu velaí una portá charramandusca... Tiu Chelu es quien tien mas idea nestas custionis, él siempri hue el péritu enholmáticu :) Si se m'ocurri anguna ideina curiosa i nu mu enteosa pos vos la iziré paquí. Un salú. --Tiu Fraili 17:08, 19 Hebreru 2009 (UTC)
Ya sé cúmu lo vamus a hazel: podria prencipial un proyeutu de nueva portá, publicitalu ena portá atual, pa que tol mundu puea participal, cualisquiá podrá hazel el su proyeutu, u si nu, ayual pol mé la caraba el miu (nu sé, dandu ideas i essu), i nuna semana, votacionis (entri el atual i el/los nuevus). Paci un pocu enteossu, peru es mu simpri, si vus peta la idea, esta mesma nochi lo preparu (que mañana nu tengu crassi :-)). Pol ciertu, las correcionis se dan pol supuestu :D Better 18:19, 19 Hebreru 2009 (UTC)

Los que SÍ tinin que dil pa crassis te salutant! XD Lo veu correutu, es izil, se puei crial una páhina especial pa to essu (Güiquipeya:Proyeutu_nueva_páhina_prencipal u algu assina), i derihil la su "síntesi" dendi la caraba. Pol ciertu, i palrandu cosas MU URHENTIS (amás, craru, la que izi el Fraili...): ái una tupa artículus pol corrihil, peru múchius, múchius... creu que podriamus lihil un endirgui ca dia u dos dias i corrihilu entri tós i amprialu si hazi farta. Qué m'izís a to estu? - Tiu Cancho |   | (palramus?) 18:54, 19 Hebreru 2009 (UTC)

Nu es mala idea, inque ohetivus a tan cortu praçu (1 dia, 2 dias...) los veu difici de cumpril, creu que sedria mehol mehoral x artículus pol semana ca unu. Better 22:04, 19 Hebreru 2009 (UTC)

¿Qué llingua ye esta?


¡¡Hola bones tardes!! Tando na Uiquipedia n'asturianu, decatéme que tamién taba n'estremeñu. Quería preguntavos que ye lo qu'atalantais por estremeñu y en qué llingua ta esta Wikipedia. ¿ye l'altu estemeñu(denomináu a vegaes castuo) de filiación asturlleonesa y faláu nel norte d'Estremadura y sur de Salamanca o ye'l mediu y baxu estemeñu(y qu'a vegaes tamién lu llamen castuo) que ye castellanu con influyencia del castellanu faláu n'Andalucia? Porque de xuru que nun ye A Fala de Xálima(Os tres lhugares) nin el portugués de Valencia Alcantara nin Olivença.

Ourecha l.larga

VisualEditor global newsletter—June 2014


This is a one-time mailing to projects that may need this information. Future newsletters will be available as opt-in only. To receive future newsletters (about one per month), please add your page to the subscribers' list at m:VisualEditor/Newsletter. You're welcome to translate to your language.


Did you know?

The character formatting menu, or "Estilo de texto" menu lets you set bold, italic, and other text styles. "Clear formatting" removes all text styles and removes links to other pages.

Do you think that clear formatting should remove links? Are there changes you would like to see for this menu? Share your opinion at

The user guide has information about how to use VisualEditor.

The VisualEditor team is mostly working to fix bugs, improve performance, reduce technical debt, and other infrastructure needs. You can find on weekly updates detailing recent work.

  • They have moved the "Atajos de teclado" link out of the "Opciones de página" menu, into the "Ayuda" menu. Within dialog boxes, buttons are now more accessible (via the Tab key) from the keyboard.
  • You can now see the target of the link when you click on it, without having to open the inspector.
  • The team also expanded TemplateData: You can now add a parameter type  "date" for dates and times in the ISO 8601 format, and  "boolean" for values which are true or false. Also, templates that redirect to other templates (like {{citeweb}}{{cite web}}) now get the TemplateData of their target (bug 50964). You can test TemplateData by editing mw:Template:Sandbox/doc.
  • Category: and File: pages now display their contents correctly after saving an edit (bug 65349, bug 64239)
  • They have also improved reference editing: You should no longer be able to add empty citations with VisualEditor (bug 64715), as with references. When you edit a reference, you can now empty it and click the "use an existing reference" button to replace it with another reference instead. 
  • It is now possible to edit inline images with VisualEditor. Remember that inline images cannot display captions, so existing captions get removed. Many other bugs related to images were also fixed.
  • You can now add and edit {{DISPLAYTITLE}} and __DISAMBIG__ in the "Opciones de página" menu, rounding out the full set of page options currently planned.
  • The tool to insert special characters is now wider and simpler.

Looking ahead


The VisualEditor team has posted a draft of their goals for the next fiscal year. You can read them and suggest changes on

The team posts details about planned work on VisualEditor's roadmap. You will soon be able to drag-and-drop text as well as images. If you drag an image to a new place, it won't let you place it in the middle of a paragraph. All dialog boxes and windows will be simplified based on user testing and feedback. The VisualEditor team plans to add autofill features for citations. Your ideas about making referencing quick and easy are still wanted. Support for upright image sizes is being developed. The designers are also working on support for viewing and editing hidden HTML comments and adding rows and columns to tables.

Supporting your wiki


Please read VisualEditor/Citation tool for information on configuring the new citation template menu, labeled "⧼visualeditor-toolbar-cite-label⧽". This menu will not appear unless it has been configured on your wiki.

If you speak a language other than English, we need your help with translating the user guide. The guide is out of date or incomplete for many languages, and what's on your wiki may not be the most recent translation. Please contact us if you need help getting started with translation work on

VisualEditor can be made available to most non-Wikipedia projects. If your community would like to test VisualEditor, please contact product manager James Forrester or file an enhancement request in Bugzilla.

Please share your questions, suggestions, or problems by posting a note at mw:VisualEditor/Feedback or by joining the office hours on Saturday, 19 July 2014 at 21:00 UTC (daytime for the Americas and Pacific Islands) or on Thursday, 14 August 2014 at 9:00 UTC (daytime for Europe, Middle East, Asia).

If you'd like to get this newsletter on your own page (about once a month), please subscribe at Meta (or at w:en:Wikipedia:VisualEditor/Newsletter for English Wikipedia only). Thank you! --Elitre (WMF), 22:33, 25 Húniu 2014 (UTC)

Please help translate this message in your language. Thanks :)

Hi, everybody. This is a reminder that we invite you to discuss VisualEditor's recent development and plans ahead during the next office hours with James Forrester (Product Manager):

If you are not able to attend but have a question for James, you can leave your question at or on my talk page by the day before, and I will try to get a response. We plan to continue these monthly sessions as long as there is community interest, and to announce them through the VisualEditor global newsletter as well (please subscribe your talk page there to get the latest news about the software).

Most of the VisualEditor team will be at Wikimania in London in August! You'll be able to meet the developers during the Hackaton or at the following sessions:

WMF community liaisons will share a booth with community advocates at the Community Village and look forward to talking to you there. Thanks for your attention! --User:Elitre (WMF) 16:02, 31 Húliu 2014 (UTC)

VisualEditor global newsletter—July and August 2014


The VisualEditor team is currently working mostly to fix bugs, improve performance, reduce technical debt, and other infrastructure needs. You can find on weekly updates detailing recent work.

Dialog boxes in VisualEditor have been re-designed to use action words instead of icons. This has increased the number of items that need to be translated. The user guide is also being updated.

The biggest visible change since the last newsletter was to the dialog boxes. The design for each dialog box and window was simplified. The most commonly needed buttons are now at the top. Based on user feedback, the buttons are now labeled with simple words (like "Cancel" or "Done") instead of potentially confusing icons (like "<" or "X"). Many of the buttons to edit links, images, and other items now also show the linked page, image name, or other useful information when you click on them.

  • Hidden HTML comments (notes visible to editors, but not to readers) can now be read, edited, inserted, and removed. A small icon (a white exclamation mark on a dot) marks the location of each comments. You can click on the icon to see the comment.
  • You can now drag and drop text and templates as well as images. A new placement line makes it much easier to see where you are dropping the item. Images can no longer be dropped into the middle of paragraphs.
  • All references and footnotes (<ref> tags) are now made through the "⧼visualeditor-toolbar-cite-label⧽" menu, including the "⧼visualeditor-dialogbutton-reference-tooltip⧽" (manual formatting) footnotes and the ability to re-use an existing citation, both of which were previously accessible only through the "Insertar" menu. The "⧼visualeditor-dialogbutton-referencelist-tooltip⧽" is still added via the "Insertar" menu.
  • When you add an image or other media file, you are now prompted to add an image caption immediately. You can also replace an image whilst keeping the original caption and other settings.
  • All tablet users visiting the mobile web version of Wikipedias will be able to opt-in to a version of VisualEditor from 14 August. You can test the new tool by choosing the beta version of the mobile view in the Settings menu.
  • The link tool has a new "Open" button that will open a linked page in another tab so you can make sure a link is the right one.
  • The "Cancel" button in the toolbar has been removed based on user testing. To cancel any edit, you can leave the page by clicking the Read tab, the back button in your browser, or closing the browser window without saving your changes.

Looking ahead


The team posts details about planned work on the VisualEditor roadmap. The VisualEditor team plans to add auto-fill features for citations soon. Your ideas about making referencing quick and easy are still wanted. Support for upright image sizes is being developed. The designers are also working on support for adding rows and columns to tables. Work to support Internet Explorer is ongoing.

Feedback opportunities


The Editing team will be making two presentations this weekend at Wikimania in London. The first is with product manager James Forrester and developer Trevor Parscal on Saturday at 16:30. The second is with developers Roan Kattouw and Trevor Parscal on Sunday at 12:30. There is a VisualEditor Translation Sprint going on during Wikimania; whether you're in London or not, any contributions are welcome!

Please share your questions, suggestions, or problems by posting a note at the VisualEditor feedback page or by joining the office hours discussion on Thursday, 14 August 2014 at 09:00 UTC (daytime for Europe, Middle East and Asia) or on Thursday, 18 September 2014 at 16:00 UTC (daytime for the Americas; evening for Europe).

If you'd like to get this newsletter on your own page (about once a month), please subscribe at w:en:Wikipedia:VisualEditor/Newsletter for English Wikipedia only or at Meta for any project. Thank you! --Elitre (WMF), 14:40, 9 Agostu 2014 (UTC)

VisualEditor News #8—2014


09:49, 13 Otubri 2014 (UTC)

VisualEditor News #9—2014


23:29, 14 Noviembri 2014 (UTC)

VisualEditor News #10—2014


18:59, 26 Diciembri 2014 (UTC)

VisualEditor News #1—2015


18:30, 5 Hebreru 2015 (UTC)

VisualEditor News #2—2015


19:48, 10 Abril 2015 (UTC)

VisualEditor News #3—2015


10:44, 13 Húniu 2015 (UTC)

VisualEditor News #3—2015


12:16, 13 Húniu 2015 (UTC)

VisualEditor News #4—2015


Elitre (WMF), 22:28, 14 Agostu 2015 (UTC)

VisualEditor News #4—2015


Elitre (WMF), 00:05, 15 Agostu 2015 (UTC)

VisualEditor News #5—2015


Elitre (WMF), 18:17 30 Otu 2015 (UTC)

VisualEditor News #6—2015


Elitre (WMF), 00:06 25 Dic 2015 (UTC)

VisualEditor News #1—2016


Elitre (WMF), 20:21 26 Heb 2016 (UTC)

Editing News #3—2016


17:49 15 Otu 2016 (UTC)

Editing News #1—2017


18:05 12 May 2017 (UTC)

Editing News #1—2018


20:56 2 Mar 2018 (UTC)

Editing News #2—2018


14:17 2 Nov 2018 (UTC)

Editing News #1—July 2019


18:32 23 Húl 2019 (UTC)

Editing News #2 – Mobile editing and talk pages


11:12 29 Otu 2019 (UTC)

Editing news 2020 #1 – Discussion tools


19:24 8 Abr 2020 (UTC)

Editing news 2020 #2


20:32 17 Hún 2020 (UTC)

Editing news 2020 #3


12:55 9 Húl 2020 (UTC)

Wikimania 2021: Individual Program Submissions


Dear all,

Wikimania 2021 will be hosted virtually for the first time in the event's 15-year history. Since there is no in-person host, the event is being organized by a diverse group of Wikimedia volunteers that form the Core Organizing Team (COT) for Wikimania 2021.

Event Program - Individuals or a group of individuals can submit their session proposals to be a part of the program. There will be translation support for sessions provided in a number of languages. See more information here.

Below are some links to guide you through;

Please note that the deadline for submission is 18th June 2021.

Announcements- To keep up to date with the developments around Wikimania, the COT sends out weekly updates. You can view them in the Announcement section here.

Office Hour - If you are left with questions, the COT will be hosting some office hours (in multiple languages), in multiple time-zones, to answer any programming questions that you might have. Details can be found here.

Best regards,

MediaWiki message delivery (caraba) 04:18 16 Hún 2021 (UTC)

On behalf of Wikimania 2021 Core Organizing Team

Editing news 2021 #2


14:13 24 Hún 2021 (UTC)

Noticias de Edición 2022 #1


Leerlo en otro idiomaLista de suscripción a este boletín plurilingüe

Los nuevos editores han tenido más éxito con esta nueva herramienta.

La herramienta de nuevo tema ayuda a los editores a crear nuevas ==secciones== en páginas de discusión. Los nuevos editores han tenido más éxito con esta nueva herramienta. Puedes leer el informe. Pronto, el equipo de Edición la ofrecerá a todos los editores de las 20 Wikipedias que han participado en el test. Podrás desactivarla en Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-editing-discussion.

Whatamidoing (WMF) 18:54 2 May 2022 (UTC)

Editing news 2023 #1


Leer esto en otro idiomaLista de suscripción a este boletín en varios idiomas

Este boletín incluye dos actualizaciones clave sobre el trabajo hecho por el equipo de Edición :

  1. El equipo de Edición terminará de añadir nuevas características a la Talk_pages_project y las desplegará.
  2. El equipo también comenzará un nuevo proyecto, Edit check.

Páginas de discusión del proyecto

Los cambios que se avecinan

El equipo de Edición casi concluyó la primera fase del Proyecto páginas de discusión Casi todas las nuevas características ya están disponibles en modo Beta para Herramientas de discusión

Se mostrará información sobre la actividad en una discusión, tal como la fecha del comentario más reciente. Pronto existirá un nuevo botón de "Añidil tema". Podrás desactivar estas funciones en Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-editing-discussion. Por favor, dinos qué te parece.

Tasa de finalización de ediciones diarias por grupo de prueba: Herramienta de Discusión DiscussionTools (grupo de prueba) y vista de Interfaz móvil MobileFronted (grupo de control)

Se ha concluido un test A/B paraHerramientas de discusión en el sitio móvil. Los editores fueron más productivos con Herramientas de discusión. El equipo de Edición habilitará estas características para todos los editores en el sitio móvil.

Nuevo Proyecto: Comprobar Ediciones

El equipo de edición está comenzando un proyecto para ayudar a editores principiantes de Wikipedia. Permitirá que la gente identifique algunos problemas antes de que hagan click en "Pubrical muacionis". La primera herramienta alentará a las personas a agregar referencias cuando incorporen nuevo contenido. Por favor consulte la página para más información. Puedes unirte a la conferencia el 3 March 2023 para aprender más.

Whatamidoing (WMF) (carava) 23:24 22 Heb 2023 (UTC)

Deployment of Dark mode in Extremaduran Wikipedia


Hello Extremaduran Wikipedians,

Apologies as this message is not written in your native language, Por favor, ayuda a traducir a tu idioma.

We are happy to announce that the Wikimedia Foundation Web team have deployed dark mode here on Extremaduran Wikipedia! This was possible because pages on your wiki have passed our checks for accessibility and other quality checks. Congratulations!

This was only possible due to the diligent work of editors and other technical contributors in your community who have made sure that templates, gadgets, and other parts of pages can be accessible in dark mode. Thank you all for making dark mode available for everybody!

For context, we would like to add that the Web team's work on dark mode has concluded. If on some wikis, the option is not yet available for logged-out users, this is likely because many pages do not yet display well in dark mode. As communities make progress on this work, we enable this feature on additional wikis once per month.

If you notice any issues after enabling dark mode, please create this page: Reading/Web/Accessibility for reading/Reporting/ in MediaWiki (like these pages), and report the issue in the created page.

Thank you!

On behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Web team. UOzurumba (WMF) (caraba) 00:21 9 otu 2024 (UTC)Responder

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